
Posts Tagged ‘Youth Novels’

Lykke Li – Youth Novels

In Music, Review on June 18, 2011 at 10:38 pm

If I wasn’t so lazy and had a weekly review deadline, then I would write the most beautiful review-novel on this album – chapter one would be called ‘Voice’.

I’m a sucker for the female vocal as it is, but there are certain singers that I consider, ‘Just the Most Incredible’, and Lykke Li is my new Feist. Her voice has a wonderful retro, fragile quality. For the most part I have no idea what she is singing about. What I do get, is that it’s important enough for her to sing about it the way she does.

Despite it being just her name on the record, I originally found the instrumentation a bit too minimal. I couldn’t help but remind myself of other musicians like Paul Banks and Tom Vek that have solo records that weren’t just about the voice. It was until I got past listening only to her voice that I realised that the instrumentation perfectly compliments her singing, allowing her songs to be as pure as she is willing to take them.

Song of the album  – Tonight
