
Iron & Wine – The Creek Drank The Cradle

In Music, Review on June 18, 2011 at 7:32 pm

Here’s something new- G.U.O.d.

Let’s take an example of G.U.O.d. – Cheerios. You know where you are with the lightly toasted Os: recognisable to the taste, acceptable at any point of the day and, occasionally, they’re exactly what you want. But then, three packets down the line, you realise it all tastes the same. Sure, they’re as pleasant as ever, but the spark is gone. The honeymoon is over.

In short, they’re good, but only Good Until Overdone.

Shoehorned, undoubtably, but the point is there. Some things have their place in time but without variety, saturation point can be reached pretty quickly.

The Creek Drank the Cradle was the debut for Iron & Wine, and it was certainly an amiable enough listen. My head bopped, my foot tapped, and at no point did I feel a need to skip a track. That said, I always felt surprised when it finished. Sam Beam’s delicate voice compliment the lo-fi acoustic and occasional banjo instrumentation, but nothing ever really stands out and nothing moves the album along. It’s all pretty flat from open to close and that’s what holds the album back from being anything better than good- where there’s no risk, there can be no reward.

I’m very sorry Sam- we had a blast, truly, but Bon Iver is calling. He wants my folksy heart back, and not just for G.U.O.d.

Song of the album – Bird Stealing Bread


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